Sunday, June 16, 2024

Bear Activity In MA Slowing Down


Recent camera trap checks showed bear activity declining. Massachusetts bear mating cycle is nearing its end for this year. The biggest bear videoed so far is pictured above. I would estimate that bears weight around 350 lbs. That’s a big bear ! I had a conversation this weekend with a stranger showing me a picture of a bear that he had seen, and he estimated  it weighed 500lbs. Over the years I have heard this 500 lb. number many times when somebody sees a big bear. It’s tough to estimate a bear’s weight. The eight bears that I’ve seen this year, I would estimate there average weight between 125 – 150 lbs. The biggest bear I've ever camera trapped was estimated to weigh approximately 400 lbs. There are several camera trap locations that I haven’t  checked since late May. Hopefully there will be other BIG BEAR pics.

There are two eagle nests that I would like to check one more time before the eaglets fledge. One nest has one eaglet, and the other nest has  two eaglets.

I have an eagle presentation at the Athol Bird & Nature  Club, Massachusetts on July 21st 1:00 – 4:00 PM .

Spending three months watching an eagle nest was an interesting project. I will share the good ,bad and ugly monitoring this nest. It certainly was an interesting experience.


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