Saturday, December 15, 2012

In Know What That Chattering Is

This morning hike would take me to a small swamp. I was hoping that maybe I would find a moose  feeding.  No luck. .The waters edge was alive with warblers. Seeing them was the easy part, having them stay still long enough to get a picture was another story.While this was going on .I heard the familiar sound of chatter getting closer to me. Quickly postioning myself and camera I was rewarded with an otter feeding on swamp grass right in front of me never detecting my presence. When the otter retreated back to  other otters feeding ,I crouched down in hopes of staying undetected while anticpicatng where this threesome was traveling. BINGO !  One of the otters had a fish in it's mouth, slid up onto a downed white pine laying in the water.  While taking the pics you could hear the fish bones crunching in the otters mouth. A few branches in the way. Oh well it was  a neat experince.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

This Hawk was an unexpected late summer opportunity. With nearing the end of an Quabbin eastside hike, the morning was uneventful from a photography prospective. A short distance from the gate this  Hawk flew up from some tall grass along the road side and perched on a branch several yards  away. Other than the sun blaring in my face as I took a few pics, the setting was ideal. Still fairly new at my camera skills I was pleased with the result. This was just  one more caption that added “Fuel”to the camera and Quabbin bug. I know the identity of this hawk, does anyone else?

Sunday, December 9, 2012

A beautiful morning for  hiking in Quabbin Park. I am pleased with my new lens. It was able to catch this  doe feeding. I parked just below Hanks Meadow and hit the trail. Wondering around the many trails  in QP before coming out in the parking lot at the tower.
 Walking was pretty quiet as I slowly approached this doe. She wanted no part of getting her pic taken.

. The morning ended with just  about five miles on the ole' hiking shoes