Saturday, January 29, 2022

Winter Bear Tracks


Last weekend while bushwhacking to check a winter trail cam set, I came across a set of bear tracks. It’s not unusual for a bear to be out during January in Massachusetts, especially with the mast acorn crop from last fall. With decades of winter hiking this was only the fourth bear track I’ve ever came across during the winter months.  Then, what made this track so special? The weather. Earlier in the week a snowstorm dropped about five inches before turning to heavy rain, then temperatures rose to the low forties. While all those weather changes were going on, a bear wandered across a

Beaver pond leaving nearly perfect imprints in the ice substrate. The track detail even showed the claws.

The track impressed me so much that I went back the following day to attempt casting several of the bear tracks. There were some challenges with the cold, but I was able to cast three tracks, two front and one back foot.
