Saturday, November 28, 2015

Light Rain - Early Dawn

I figured I would head out early hoping to get a few hours in before the rain !

No such luck. When I arrived at Quabbin the skies stayed dark and light rain started. I was able to squeak out a few picture before the rain picked. The doe above presented a brief opportunity as she moved through the hardwoods.
This was my first picture. It was barely light and I had to make a few camera setting changes.
This young doe also presented a quick pic opportunity. Notice the thick coat.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

How Appropriate ! Turkey's On Thanksgiving

What an interesting morning at Quabbin today. As I was watching a distant shoreline a flock of turkey's were working the shoreline. As the flock reached the point with nowhere to go but fly, what appeared to be a second flock merged and an all our pushing and shoving match took place.
Things calmed down after a few minutes and then two Tom's started strutting their stuff. I have only seen this behavior in the spring during mating season.
The strutting stance went on for about ten minutes. How neat though to see this on Thanksgiving Day!
Also, have you ever wondered if a turkey would wade ( me neither  lol) But they do !
On my hike back to the truck I was able to get this pic of a juvenile Black Bellied Plover.
Yes , and finally a bear still out in the area leaving its calling card for me to find.
