Sunday, July 21, 2024

Cub Problem Solving


Here are two examples of bear cub(s) problem solving. One cub had to figure something out to  keep up with mom and sibling. A “ Precise” drop from the overhanging branch onto the log bridge fixed that problem. The next day things were not the same. A drop from the overhanging branch would result in landing in a fast-flowing stream.

This week’s camera trap check showed extraordinarily little activity. The HOT weather surely contributed to less wildlife movement. Tomorrow I am off to check deep woods camera trap sets. I expect to find slow activity in this area with bear activity slowing down. Maybe I’ll get lucky ?


Saturday, July 13, 2024

Sow & Cubs Cross Log Bridge


Last weeks cover picture was a sow and two cubs crossing a log bridge suspended over a stream. That video grab was from the trail camera that was positioned looking east. There is also a trail camera looking west. I couldn’t get to that trail camera on the opposite side of the stream last week due to extremely high water levels. This area is prone to flooding with heavy rain from thunderstorms.


Sunday, July 7, 2024

Tranquil to Raging


These hot humid days aren’t for me ! Even early morning hiking to check SD cards can be uncomfortable. Last week I set camera traps along a shallow stream hoping to capture wildlife foraging along the stream bed. Given one nasty thunderstorm last week, it may be a while . I was hoping to use my Gopro this morning and share my camera trap sets. It will have to wait a while.



Sunday, June 30, 2024

Just Like That ! Bear Activity Slows Down


Just like that, black bear activity slows significantly in Massachusetts. The boars go back to their solitary lives. It amazes me how big these animals are, and how elusive they can become. With the trail cameras I have deployed throughout the state, I doubt any will trigger with a big boar moving past it. I might possibly catch one this September or October when they are foraging for food to fatten up before hibernating. The good news, now that mating season is just about over, Sows with cubs will travel more freely over there home ranges and with that comes more possibilities to video them.

I did try something different with a trail camera a few weeks back. Climbing up a bear scent tree, about fifteen feet, a  trail was placed facing down in hopes of capturing a bear scent rubbing the tree. ( see attached video)

My next challenge is to try and capture ( TC video) a bear walking along a Massachusetts stream. I set out a few trail cameras this morning, in a few weeks I’ll put together a video showing how I went about it.


Friday, June 21, 2024

Kayaking - Camera - Bear Sign


Locating a new bear marking tree late in the Massachusetts black bear mating season has shown some very good bear scent marking activity. The video below shares what I has found.

I took my kayak and camera out a couple times this week looking for wildlife photo opportunities. Early morning paddling is the ideal time for increasing your chances of seeing most anything, especially during these HOT DAYS. I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time.

Now that bear mating season is winding down and the boars are heading back to their solitary lives. Sows with cubs will be on the move. Hopefully over the next few weeks camera traps will video more sows with cubs.


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Bear Activity In MA Slowing Down


Recent camera trap checks showed bear activity declining. Massachusetts bear mating cycle is nearing its end for this year. The biggest bear videoed so far is pictured above. I would estimate that bears weight around 350 lbs. That’s a big bear ! I had a conversation this weekend with a stranger showing me a picture of a bear that he had seen, and he estimated  it weighed 500lbs. Over the years I have heard this 500 lb. number many times when somebody sees a big bear. It’s tough to estimate a bear’s weight. The eight bears that I’ve seen this year, I would estimate there average weight between 125 – 150 lbs. The biggest bear I've ever camera trapped was estimated to weigh approximately 400 lbs. There are several camera trap locations that I haven’t  checked since late May. Hopefully there will be other BIG BEAR pics.

There are two eagle nests that I would like to check one more time before the eaglets fledge. One nest has one eaglet, and the other nest has  two eaglets.

I have an eagle presentation at the Athol Bird & Nature  Club, Massachusetts on July 21st 1:00 – 4:00 PM .

Spending three months watching an eagle nest was an interesting project. I will share the good ,bad and ugly monitoring this nest. It certainly was an interesting experience.


Saturday, June 8, 2024

MA Bears Very Active


I was able to check a few trail cameras that are in an out of the way location and takes a bit of effort to reach. They have  been out a month since the last SD check. The cameras were busy capturing lots of bear footage. It looks like seven different bears were videoed. It’s  now “ Prime Time “ mating season and bears are on the move. One trail camera did video a male and female bear in a playful and carefree time. Not sure how long that lasted, two large males showed up in the area and I’m sure the playful small male moved on. I’ll try and put a video together, I’ve actually fallen a bit behind with my editing since the nice weather. 

Eaglets are nearing fledging in two Massachusetts nests. One nest has one eaglet, and the other one has two. A third nest was checked early this Spring that had a female sitting on eggs early on, but for whatever reason the nest failed. No adult eagles were seen in the area the morning I checked the nest a second time.

We are heading out with our camping trailer for the second  trip of the season. Kayaking , hiking, fishing and wildlife photography are the plans ! We also like to tent camp, Unfortunately the state campground we enjoy camping at is closed again this year. Hopefully next year it will reopen.
