Friday, August 4, 2023

Bear Sign


Even though I’m fortunate to camera trap many bears in Massachusetts, it’s not too often I find bear sign other than scat. Over the last several years I have located a bear babysitting tree and a bear day bed. Slowing down my hiking pace and learning what to look for certainly helps.  I would have never anticipated finding four different kinds of bear sign in a 25-yard-long X 10-yard-wide area. In that small area of 250 sf, there is a downed rotten tree and on two occasions a bear has clawed at it looking for insects, a short stomping trail and two scent marking trees along with hemlock saplings that have been straddled when several of the bears exited the stomping trail. I positioned a camera trap facing the downed tree hoping a bear would come back and search for insects. Two bears have crossed over the tree , Maybe the insects have all been eaten….. Reconyx, GardenPro, Browning trail cameras.
