Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Soapstone Hill Has A New Addition

Soapstone Hill has a new look. The ambitious work of somebody(s), moved an extremely large rectangular bolder and balanced it on a larger boulder on the Soapstone’s edge.
We spent the weekend camping in the Federated Women’s Forest in Petersham.  This is the second time in several weeks. There was plenty of wildlife in and around the boundaries of The Quabbin watershed.
Saturday afternoon a young bear attempted to cross the Federated Rd near the beaver pond. It was a treat to see and re-enforced the need to keep all food and garbage secured and out of reach.

A hike  to Soapstone Hill Saturday after dinner we met this porcupine in a small diameter tree along the hiking trail

 Sunday afternoon provided this treat with a painted turtle laying eggs,
 Met this garter snake on the hike from the reservoir back to the truck,
This dragon fly made for a interesting picture
Anybody that hikes the Northeast reservoir gates surely has seen this gentleman hiking with a camera around his neck .