Saturday, February 12, 2022

Watch Where You Stick Your Head


Last weekend hiking into my  fieldstone den camera trap set gave way to a variety of detailed animal tracks. The light dusting of snow the prior Friday night left a good substrate for track imprints. After changing out SD cards it was time to backtrack one set of tracks. I was backtracking a raccoon   While backtracking the raccoon , it led me to an den site. Currently, the snow indicates a porcupine making use of it. This den is nestled in a very secluded area. A perfect  location to set a camera trap. Mild temps forecasted this week will certainly melt some snow. Plan is to head back in this weekend and setup a camera or two. I hiked in this morning to check the den out. From the outside it looked like a perfect bear den, I poked my head in the hole and had a porcupine look at me as to say , Really!  There was water running through the lower part of the chamber 
