Friday, January 31, 2025

Bobcat Food Cache


Following a fisher track in the snow led me to a food cache where a partial opossum lay under a pile of leaves. While investigating , no blood was visible on the  blanket of snow, just drag marks from the dispatch site to the base of large diameter tree. Speculation on my part. Fisher dispatched the opossum, dragged it to the base of the tree, then went tree bound with it. Once in the tree , started to eat it with pieces falling to the ground. Then the bobcat found the pieces that fell and made the food cache. The bobcat was concerned with something in the tree constantly looking up. In the end neither the bobcat nor the fisher claimed the last of the food cache. The video shows the culprit.


Sunday, January 26, 2025

How Big Do Massachusetts Bears Get - Beaver Lodges and Trail Cameras


It was a beautiful morning to be out scouting Spring prospects for camera trapping locations. It has been years since setting any trail cameras in this area, the    “ SAFE” ice provided opportunity to really scout the back of the swamp. Beavers are still using the pond and have built a bank lodge in an ideal location to set camera traps. I will explain  in the video.

This time of year, safe ice conditions give opportunity to get into swampy areas that are typically a challenge to reach any other time of year. I will use the ice to scout other locations next week.

Thank You all that attended my bear presentation at the Rutland MA  library yesterday. There was a good turnout with an interactive audience asking lots of  good questions. The video clip  “ How Big Do Massachusetts Bears Get” sparked interest in guessing bears’ weight. Hard to believe bears get that big in MA.

