Saturday, October 21, 2023

Bears Soon To Den - 2023 Camera Trapping Goals


Just one more plug for my upcoming “Quabbin “presentation October 25th 7:00 PM Rutland Massachusetts Library. Would enjoy seeing you all.

Bears will soon be looking for their winter dens. Sows with cubs and females will usually den early November. Food is the determining factor.

My focus on bears the last four or five years has been quite a
learning experience. I can now recognize bear sign while bushwhacking and have located ideal bear habitat with the best camera trapping results yet.

Time to start thinking about 2024 camera trapping goals. As shared in the past, these enjoyable goals motivate me and assist me in learning about nature. Let’s review my 2023 goals. I’m pleased with the effort but didn’t quite get a bear / den picture suitable for the wall but came close. Here were 2023 goals:

-          Video of a bear with a beaver lodge in the background – hopefully nice enough to frame.

-          Video a bear crossing a log or what I call a log walker.

-         Video a day daytime video with a cow moose and calf



