Saturday, November 1, 2014

Not Quabbin Related , However Quite A Treat For Halloween !

Some generous folks gave me the opportunity to participate in the South Central MA Saw-whet Owl banding project.
The process was quite interesting listening to three experts explain specifics about the raptor and the detail around how the owl is captured , and the data collected .
Its amazing just how small the Saw-Whet is/! My hand in the photo above gives a good perspective.


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Beavers Made Interesting Morning

Saturday morning I spent a couple of hours watching over a SE beaver swamp. The heavy rain this week certainly filled this pond to capacity. It didn't take long before the beavers where aware of my presence. Sitting very still with a  light wind in my favor  brought several beavers in very close!
Certainly kept me entertained for the morning
Thought I would get an opportunity with this flock of male wood ducks landing. I moved and they picked right up on it.

This Redtail Hawk made a quick fly over before disappearing over the tree line.
This morning I sat at another swamp. Beavers were busy collecting vegetation as was a Sharp-shinned Hawk trying to avoid the Blue Jays. I stopped at a WMA on the ride home and was treated with seeing two Bluebirds.