Sunday, December 16, 2012

Almost In The Right Place At The Right Time

I spent the first few hours in Quabbin Park seeing four does before hiking Gate 53 to Rte 9. No photo ops on this gray morning so I headed over to Gate 43. It just starting to spit snow, but figured I would put on a few miles before heading home. If need be I could put my camera in my backpack to keep it dry. I am glad I didn't! Walking in the Shaft 12 road I took the first right and was at waters edge in no time. Was I surprised to see how low the water is. I walked the shoreline heading towards Gate 43 boat launch. Moose and coyote tracks were visible in the mud. I rounded the cove seeing the boat launch in the distance when an eagle flew from a white pine about 100 yards from me. The eagle wasn't flying away but diving straight towards the water. I had the eagle locked in my view finder as it descended . Then a BIG SPLASH. The eagle was in the water thrashing. It stayed in the water for ten to fifteen seconds before flying up onto the shoreline. It stood there pondering for a second before flying off. Unfortunately the view finder showed the eagles talons with nothing in them. Although the event took place well out of camera range I was able to catch some pics

Gate 43 view from a different angle