Friday, July 30, 2021

Very Wet July In MA


I had many wet hikes this month requiring rain gear. Many locations in central Massachusetts had record rainfall for the month of July. 

I wonder if this may slowing down  activity on beaver dams . Its been weeks since capturing sows with cubs crossing beaver dams. Beaver ponds are high with fast moving water spilling over the dams.

With beaver pond water level high, water is reaching abandoned bank beaver lodges. The lodge pictured above hasn't been used in nearly a decade. I was quite surprised to see activity with new sticks stacked on top of the lodge. While investigating this welcomed find a beaver kept a close eye on what I was doing and slapped its tail on the water waring all around that an intruder was in the area,

As you can see in the picture, what a perfect place to set a camera trap. Hopefully rebuild activity continues and some interesting video comes of it.
