Sunday, February 9, 2020

Snoozer Chronicles (bear den) Feb. 8th 2020

Snoozer Chronicles (bear den) Feb. 8th 2020
First indications this morning checking the den suggested the bear may have moved on. It’s been a relatively mild week in N. Central MA with just a trace of snow and ice left in the woods. I also received two reports (with pics) this week of bears raiding bird feeders. Theses bears were both within fifteen miles of Snoozer.
So, that got me to thinking it wouldn’t be out of the realm of things if the bear had moved on.
I set the hand recorder inside the den opening for three minutes. There were no evident sounds indicating anything was breathing as in the prior week. All the more to support an empty den.
Well, I guess there is only one way left to check to see if anyone is home!
The beam of light illuminated the bears back. With that validation I was on my way.
Anecdotal Science
With the last two bear checks you could clearly hear the bear snoring. That would suggest it was doing just that,sleeping and not hibernating. This week you could hear nothing. The hand recorder didn’t pick up any sound. That might suggest the bear is truly hibernating with its system slowed down
