Sunday, December 22, 2019

Challenging Set

This set is on a steep embankment above the shoreline. I was really hoping a bear might of used it for a winter den. No luck.! It was a bit risky making this set with the snow. Bobcat sign has been consistent  in this area. On a rainy  summer hike a bobcat did give me a quick opportunity to snap a picture with my SLR camera.

I]ts hard to believe another year has passed! The year ends with reaching 3200 miles hiking the "Quabbin Woods" and what a year it's been! It started with locating a second bear den , camera trapping six or seven different bears throughout the year and having a large bear walk out in front of me while hiking!

I would like to thank you all for reading my blog!
Wishing you happy holidays

Presentations. I've had a number of inquiries about speaking at club events this year. You can find several of my wildlife talks on the cover page of my website .

Also added a short video of bears camera trapped in 2019