Thursday, July 6, 2023

Moose Calves & Winding Bear


Its been a bittersweet week! The eaglets have fledged, and I no longer need to travel to the swamp. Im a bit disappointed nest watching has ended. However, it gives me time to move on to other outdoor adventures. This morning I located some decent bear sign that Ill share with you in the coming weeks.

Last week one of my camera traps videoed a cow moose with twins! This is a first for me,


Ever wonder how a bear stays so elusive. It has a tremendous ability to smell danger long before you see it.


See how a bear might react if it heard or winded you? Likely this bear has picked up my scent. About an hour earlier I was changing the SD card in this trail camera, then made a big loop bushwhacking looking for bear sign, before hitting a cart road on the opposite of the swamp from the bear. I would estimate two hundred yards away. Notice when the bear stands up, it pivots left then right, using its nose to try and determine which direction my scent is coming from. Then the bear turns, opens its mouth using its olfactory senses to also try and determine scent direction.  Massachusetts Bushnell Aggressor
