Saturday, October 30, 2021

Bucks On The Move


Early October while bushwhacking I came across a large Whitetail Buck Scrap and luckily had an extra trail camera in my pack. Prime deer rut activity in Massachusetts is usually early November. I was a bit surprised at the size of this particular scrap this early in October .Retrieving the SD card last weekend told the story ( video). This was my fist attempt at putting a camera trap on an active scrape. I couldn’t have been any luckier.

The scrap has been visited by three bucks. The dominant buck that's in the video, an eight pointer and a spike. The spike’s actions have been more curiosity than anything. The eight pointer has stepped into the scrape and has left his scent on the licking branch. Surely a confrontation to follow at some point. I am anxious to see what activity occurred during this week of stormy weather.
