Sunday, September 22, 2024

Where Are The Bears


Where are the bears ? Find the seasonal food sources. Bears are now in a stage called hyperphagia. What that means is binge eating. Bears  need to fatten up  in the next few months before searching for a winter den. Right now, they are eating apples, grapes, nuts, and plants, such as Jewelweed. The video shows a young bear feeding on jewelweed as it crosses a beaver dam.

Last week while checking a fisher camera trap set there were broken white oak  branches on the ground. You could see  where the branches had been ripped from the tree  and there were no acorns on them. The bark on the tree was disturbed ,and about seven feet up there were bear claw marks. This is a first for me, finding this type of bear sign. There is a fisher scent post a few feet away with a camera trap set. Might that  trail camera provide any information? Checking the SD card when I got home showed a young bear had visited this area numerous days  looking for  acorns beginning September 6th. I set a camera trap watching the base of the oak tree. Hopefully, it will continue visiting.

                                        White Oak branch ripped from tree
