Friday, August 28, 2015

Loon Behavior

What a beautiful day to put some miles on the ole' hiking boots. I would of never expected two separate Loon experiences while sitting on the reservoir shoreline enjoying a snack.
The first encounter  although distant, was a turf battle. A mature loon infringed on the territory of a family of loons with two chicks. Watching them through my binoculars, I was surprised to see two Loons chasing each other using there wings to propel themselves.
When the pursuer would catch the intruder, it appeared to be very physical. What amazed me was this chase went on for about a quarter of a mile. I couldn't imagine the energy expelled with this encounter.
 Looking down the shoreline there was a  muddy area that caught my eye. My first thoughts were that maybe I could find a bear track. Unfortunately no bear track to be found, but there was a decent track of a bobcat.
I was so focused on getting a picture of the bobcat track, I never saw the family of Loons slip into the cove behind me. Until ! there  enchanting call  startled me.
I was hoping to get a picture with getting a little closer to them. When the adults would dive I would take a few steps closing the distance.
The adults  did  catch two fish while in the cove. The chicks waste no time in grabbing the fish from the adult Loons .
Not sure on the bird above....... Some type of Piper

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Quiet Pursuit

I followed this family of deer this morning for a short while. It was a challenge to keep up and attempt to walk quietly.
No doubt they were aware I was following.
Somewhat out of focus ! Guess I blew it !! This was close. Oh well maybe next tine.