Saturday, May 18, 2024

Bear Scent Marking Activity


In last week’s blog article, I shared attempting to be  creative with moving and adding trail cameras to an area that had fresh bear scent marking sign. I checked the TC’s a few days after making the changes and did get a new bear. I think it’s a female. You’ll see her in the attached video. She does a lot of winding and checking for scent near a bear marking tree. There is a good size boar in the area. That’s what caught her attention.

Bear scent marking has really increased the last two weeks. All my MA locations have bear activity.



Sunday, May 12, 2024

MA Bear Mating Season About To Start


Bear activity on my MA camera traps picked up last week. Mating season is just beginning. The cover pic is a young bear that regularly uses this area, The SD card check yesterday also showed a large boar in the area ,  After seeing the more frequent visits from the boar I did some checking in the area and located what appears to be a " Bear Stomp Trail" and an old " Bear Scent Marking Tree",

                                                           Bear Scent Marking Tree

                                                                     Bear Stomp Trail

                                                Frequent visits from this bear, 

I got creative ( I think ?)  Stay Tuned !!!!!