Saturday, February 1, 2014

Snow Sure Can Tell a Story

Beautiful sunrise this morning

This morning I headed out to a west side gate to do some bushwhacking, with hopes of finding an antler shed. I wasn’t twenty minutes into the hike when I looked up and there stood a moose about seventy yards out looking at me. Only carrying my point and shoot today,

 I decided I would trial this moose for a while and see where it takes me. Was I surprised when a topped a small ridge and there were seven moose beds in close proximity to each other, and another three beds a short distance away.

 One of the distant beds had specks of blood visible outside of the depression made by the snow from  the moose’s warm body. Long shot but I thought maybe a bull might have had some blood loss with dropping an antler. Tracks were plentiful but looking carefully I was able to stay on this particular track following it backwards. It took me about a quarter mile to an area that was very thick with saplings. Plowing through this thick area for a while sure had me focused thinking I might find an antler hanging from a sapling branch. No luck today. I marked the location on my GPS. With that much sign in a relatively confined area, it’s sure to have an antler or two to be found.
Looking at each bed you could clearly see where a cow and calf had been laying. If would guess that three or four moose are using this as a wintering feeding & bedding area. If moose dung was worth money I would hit it big this morning!
Tracks of deer, coyote & moose where plentiful. 

I did see where a porcupine has been making a regular visit.

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