Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Several Milestones Reached Hiking The Quabbin Woods

Interesting day yesterday hiking Quabbin. There were several personal milestones within my reach. I was twenty five miles away from reaching a total of one thousand miles hiked inside the boundaries of Quabbin Reservoir carrying a camera. The second milestone was reaching the most miles hiked in one day.
 Putting twenty-five miles on the ole’ hiking boots yesterday and breaking the one thousand mile marker made for a rewarding day. The day started at Gate 43 with light snow falling. My hike today would take me out Shaft 12 Rd to Fitzpatrick Rd, over Lyman St, down to East St, exiting Gate 50 onto Goodnough Dike. From their I hiked out to Quabbin Park, then up to Enfield Lookout.
Wildlife was scarce with only seeing an eagle and one immature red-tail hawk. Beehives were everywhere. I kept track of the number of hives on my hike back to the truck. In the 12.5 miles there were 24 nests. I don’t think I have seen 24 beehives in my entire life.  
When I reached the truck the first thing  I did was to pull my GPS out of the pack.


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