Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Pic above - Buck seen in VA State Forest

A recent visit to Shenandoah NP in Virginia was a bust ! We had made campground reservations long before Hurricane Helena. When we arrived at the campground, there was concern with the Shenandoah River flooding and the campground may need to evacuate. Would have been nice if we had been made aware of this several days prior. It all worked out with another local campground found at higher elevation. We took a ride along Skyline Drive in hopes of catching a break in the foggy wet weather. It  was not meant to be on this trip. 

 Lessons Learned

I would recommend using a road atlas in conjunction with Google Maps, There were occasions when Google Maps routed  us through tight back roads which had me concerned pulling the camper.

-         I assumed the campground where we made reservations would have contacted us prior with evacuation concerns . I should have been more diligent with inquiring about any issues / concerns prior to the trip.


Sunday, October 6, 2024

Bear Activity In Two Locations Still Good


I still have two active areas with bears. Both locations had scent marking trees during the bear mating season ( mid-May through mid-June) A sow with two yearlings passed a camera trap last week. I can only assume the family of three were the same bear family videoed earlier in September. It is hard to believe ( at least for me) that the 2024 bear season is winding down. Another five or six weeks and most bears will have gone in for their long winters nap.

It’s been another good year learning about  bears, I’ll share the details once bears den later this fall.

 I’ve been thinking about winter camera trapping projects.  Not sure what they are yet , but you can be sure I’ll come up with some ideas.



Friday, September 27, 2024

Massachusetts Moose Rut


Moose are on the move in Massachusetts with the fall rut in full swing. Several cameras have recorded a few respectable bulls, but there are much bigger out there. I’m hoping to get a good daytime video of a majestic bull.

There are acorns everywhere! A far cry from last year’s acorn crop. I’m still finding plenty of concord grapes. I’m actually surprised given the bear traffic in some of these areas.

I was in new beaver habitat a few weeks ago that got me a bit pumped for new opportunities in 2025. I set up a few cameras and went back last week to explore some more. To my surprise the upper beaver dam let go sending volumes of water downstream, which breached the second dam. What were two beaver ponds two weeks ago are now mud flats. I did see a little beaver sign that might suggest a rebuild on the once larger pond. I’ll wait to late Oct. to check it out again.


Sunday, September 22, 2024

Where Are The Bears


Where are the bears ? Find the seasonal food sources. Bears are now in a stage called hyperphagia. What that means is binge eating. Bears  need to fatten up  in the next few months before searching for a winter den. Right now, they are eating apples, grapes, nuts, and plants, such as Jewelweed. The video shows a young bear feeding on jewelweed as it crosses a beaver dam. https://youtu.be/AwAMspubGqw

Last week while checking a fisher camera trap set there were broken white oak  branches on the ground. You could see  where the branches had been ripped from the tree  and there were no acorns on them. The bark on the tree was disturbed ,and about seven feet up there were bear claw marks. This is a first for me, finding this type of bear sign. There is a fisher scent post a few feet away with a camera trap set. Might that  trail camera provide any information? Checking the SD card when I got home showed a young bear had visited this area numerous days  looking for  acorns beginning September 6th. I set a camera trap watching the base of the oak tree. Hopefully, it will continue visiting.

                                        White Oak branch ripped from tree


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Moose On The Move - Bears Foraging


Wow ! Trail Cameras were busy the last two weeks. They started picking up moose activity with the rut now in full swing, along with bears foraging. The cover pic is a young bear that was foraging on the beaver dam, then meandered over to the trail camera offering a unique video grab that I named “ Looking Through a Bears Eyes”  While checking my Fisher camera trap sets this week I encountered bear sign that I’ve never seen before. It was an interesting find. I’ll share it with you next week.


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Bear Late Scent Marling


Bear “ Stomping Behavior “ can be exhausting as shown by this large Massachusetts male bear. Something else has his attention, I do not think it is the sound of the trail camera. He rested for ten minutes in front of the camera constantly winding and moving his head left and right. He was serious about scent marking, urinating while stomping. I wonder if there is a female in late estrus. https://youtu.be/GenFJOtcwVE

I have another area where a younger bear has been marking one small hemlock sapling every few days. I am guessing it’s a male. It will be interesting to see if any other bears scent marks the sapling.


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Busy Log Bridge With Bears


This Massachusetts log bridge was very busy with bear activity last week. The log was crossed six times by five different bears. This is the time of year when bears constantly feed (hyperphagia) in preparation for denning late fall. They will travel to take advantage of available food sources. I have been seeing ripe concord grapes and early apples in this area and bears are aware of these food sources. https://youtu.be/rssP2bAzzQk
