Saturday, January 11, 2020

Coyote Unique Markings

It was a very eventful morning !

Finally located a bear den with a bear in it. "Sorta" makes you pucker a bit when you look into the opening with a flashlight and you see a bear and can hear a soft snore (lol)

Check the markings out on the chest and front legs of thise coyote. Very unique and should be easy to identify  again. I set a second camera trap in the area. While I was checking this camera trap a beaver glided within a foot of me and the gave the slap of the tail on the water. Bout' scared me to death.....

A couple of weeks ago while bushwhacking I stumbled upon a deer yard. There were deer droppings EVERYWHERE.Back in December this area in Massachusetts had about two feet of snow. Also found consistent bobcat scat in the same area over the last couple of weeks. I set out several TC's .
It will be interesting to see if the deer return to this area with the next significant snow.


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