Saturday, March 5, 2016

Shed Hunting

A ideal morning to be out looking for moose sheds.. Started out early which provided a opportunity to listen to a Barred Owl for a few minutes.. Didn't take very long before seeing consistent moose scat. Thought for sure the morning hike would give up a shed :(
The beaver hut above ( Title Pic) was an active lodge with fresh cuttings behind it. There was still a thin layer of ice behind it. The whisper of snow last night left just enough to show tracks of critter in search of food.
Any guesses ? The jackknife in the pic below is 4" long.

There were a number of very large boulders seen during the hike .
Many had openings beneath them . I did see where several Porcupines had taken up residence.
The foundation above is the biggest and highest ( 6') that I have seen in my Quabbin travels. The area was " Chocked" with vegetation.

I also put out two trail cameras this morning, The sets with the cameras  this year have all been located in close proximity to water. Thought I trry a hardwood ridge . While hiking the ridge I did see one Barred Owl swoop off a distant tree branch.
