Sunday, May 4, 2014

Wildlife Everywhere !

Started out early this morning. A few miles  from the gate this black squirrel was sitting on a stonewall.
Then a short distance up the road three deer were feeding in a field.
My plan this morning was to  hike and then on the return trip  sit a while watching a small swamp.
The black flies and ticks were a challenge.

Approaching the first swamp I could hear a goose sounding its alarm
I was a good distance away so I knew it could not be me.
My approach was very slow and quite. Something had this goose on edge. It didn't take to long to figure it out.
This hawk was on the opposite shoreline overseeing area. Reviewing my bird field guide it looks to be a Broad Hawk.
 Thanks for the help identifying

 I worked my way down to another swamp.
 It didn't take long for the things to get busy
The beaver on the blog title page is the same one above. Sitting still and camouflaged this beaver  was unaware of my presence swam to within a few feet of me.

Just prior to leaving this Brown Creeper challenged me. It is in the center of the pic on the tree trunk.