Thursday, June 3, 2021

Moose Starting To Visit Ponds


What miserable weather for Memorial Day last weekend in Massachusetts !  It rained heavy at times and temperatures stayed in the mid 40’s all weekend. I did hike each day with rain gear . It wasn’t the most enjoyable hiking conditions as I checked SD cards in three different areas. Bear  activity slowed down with only capturing two bears on video last week. I was somewhat surprised at this with bear mating season in full swing.

I moved several cameras that were positioned inside the wood line of swamps , out into the swamps. Moose will start visiting secluded ponds in search of new plant vegetation. One of my goals is to hopefully capture a good video / picture of a moose in the water feeding. The video below was captured using two trail cameras. One above the dam pointed at the center of the dam and the second TC positioned below the dam pointed at the center.

Another anecdotal project I’m working on this year is monitoring a swamp over four seasons. So far so good, except for losing some winter coverage to a hard drive crash. Lesson learned for sure !

