Saturday, June 3, 2023

Bears Are Roaming


Single bear captures with trial cameras are a weekly occurrence as boars search for a mate. Females with cubs in tow are scarce. Im hoping when mating season winds down and boars head back into isolation, bear families will start roaming more. Moose are just starting to visit secluded ponds in search of freshwater vegetation. Lost pond had a young bull grazing along the waters edge last week.

I continue to swamp watch with my camera. I find this very enjoyable. Ive yet to see a bear or moose. Hopefully, persistence pays off.

There is a Sow with two COY in the furthest northern area of my camera trap line. I headed out early this morning in search of a secluded area to set camera traps. Things went well except for going over the top of my boots while navigating a swamp.

New area I located this morning. Two trail cameras were set. Hopefully the sow with two COY travel through this area .

