Saturday, September 14, 2019

Trail Camera's & Picture Composition

I've been working at attempting to add more picture composition when making camera trap sets. Many variables ! After locating an area you need to think about LIGHT. If the trail camera is placed where there is considerable light it can produce a decent picture. The picture above is a good example. The only post processing done was to straighten the photo. Below is the original.

Something has the doe in the backgrounds attention while the doe in the foreground searches for food unaware of any danger..
With the next TC check I will level this camera. Note the time , early AM.

My wife and I have been away camping for several weeks and the trail cameras have been somewhat busy. Lots of beavers , otters and a few bobcats. Bear activity continues to be slow. One camera did catch a sow with what looks to be 2nd year cubs crossing beaver dam on September 1st.
I'm assuming the sow is in the lead.
