Saturday, March 4, 2023


It’s been a very good week tracking wildlife in central Massachusetts.  I located several fisher tracks this week. Early in the week I followed this fisher track as it winded its way across a vernal pool then through a mature hemlock stand. Just before entering the hemlocks the fisher urinated at the base of a white pine. My hope was to locate a scent post. Following the tracks had me pumped with anticipation of what might unfold that morning. This fisher slid on it belly as it started down a steep ridge. Much like an otter, but only slid the length of its body as it rubbed on the few inches of fresh snow. Reaching the top of the ridge I stopped to catch my breath. There on a raised area sat an old stump where you could see fisher tracks and visible rubbing on a rotten log along with two deposits of scat. This was my best fisher scent post find yet. I set out two camera traps and pinned the location. Now the wait. I returned to this location two days later to swap out trail cameras. The cover photo is a pic grab from the attached Youtube Video
