Saturday, December 3, 2022

What A Find !


I’ve been scouring topo maps looking for new areas to camera trap in Massachusetts. Don’t get me wrong, my current spots are working out well. I really enjoy bushwhacking looking for new terrain and camera trap possibilities. My research and efforts paid off! I identified two new locations that looked good on the map and would require a bit of effort to get to. The most promising spot turned out to be nothing more than a large vernal pool. That’s not quite what I was looking for. The second location appeared the least promising on the map and turned out to be a homerun. Actually I stood in amazement for a moment. A Beaver pond, 1-1/2 acres with a nice dam on it. A camera trappers dream! There are no trails or easy access to this location and there were plenty ticks. I’m looking forward to setting trail cameras in the spring.
