Saturday, January 18, 2020

Camera Trapping New Location

Red squirrel taking a leap !

I have been camera trapping  a new area  and need to learn the country side. Bushwhacking five miles this morning setting out trail cameras is always a good way to start the day I find it rewarding  and challenging to learn  new spots,  I started hiking this location in October. Its a big piece of woods and will take some time to figure out. So far a cow moose and bobcat have tripped the motion sensors on the TC's. Both captures were at night , its  a start.
The effort this morning was to beat the snow storm coming later today. I randomly set out trail cameras on this hike. It would be neat to get a pic of a bull before it drops it's antlers. The cameras are in DEEP and may need to wail till spring t retrieve.

The pic above is a bobcat about to cross a beaver dam. This was a good find. Any animal  that wants to cross the dam must  step into ac constrained spot with a TC mounted watching.


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