Sunday, February 3, 2019

Bit Chilly Saturday -5

The plan for Saturday's hike was to make a four mile loop checking a few camera traps then sitting on the shore hoping a bobcat or coyote wanders the ice at dawn.
It wasn't long before leaving the truck I could hear a single coyote howling in the distance. It's been a while since hearing any coyotes in my travels. Hiking along I came across many coyote tracks and a scent log with urine and blood. A good indication that its mating time for wild canines.
The first stop in my travels was to check two trail cameras. Sure glad I did, Batteries were dead in both of them. Theses cameras were set out over the Christmas holiday. Lithium batteries went 5/6 weeks. Not bad considering the number of days we have had with extreme cold temps.
The SD check showed a partridge,coyote,bobcat ,raccoon and a stranger......
I was a little disappointed the person didn't leave the immediate area of my tc's . They are in secluded area . He was quite inquisitive.....
I'm thankful the cameras weren't stolen. Knowing a stranger is aware of my camera set I'll move them.
This mornings hike was like a heat wave compared to yesterday morning. I sat and hiked the shoreline , very slow weekend.


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