Sunday, December 27, 2015

December Can Be Tough For Pictures

The doe on the title page presented a brief opportunity last week during the rain.

I have hiked both mornings this weekend with no picture opportunities. Several Loons were still on the reservoir and  two Otters kept me entertained but were distant.
I took this mornings dismal weather as an opportunity to set out two game cameras. I have been seeing consistent Bobcat sign ( tracks & scat) . It will be interesting to see if I can capture a picture!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Very Quiet Weekend

Hiked two NE Gates this weekend with little wildlife activity. I did see and hear a single loon both days. This morning just after passing the yellow gate I jumped what sounded like a moose,. breaking of large branches as it distanced itself from me.
I would of thought with such a mild weekend the animal activity would of been high.

Guess Not !


Saturday, December 5, 2015

Eventful Early Morning

The coyote above  was prowling the shoreline early dawn this morning. Things were going well as it approached where I was sitting , then it crossed my scent and STOPPED like it hit a wall! It looked my way intensely then turned and ran.
On a distant shoreline I watched two mature and two immature eagles . Three are on the bottom left and the fourth is flying in the top right of the picture. Surely the immature Eagles are the off spring of the two adults in the picture.
Also tried my hand with a few BIF pic as these Mergansers took to the air.

I also found a number of bobcat tracks in my hike this morning.  I will pack some Plaster of Paris tomorrow.
